What is a Simply Advanced app?


Well, at a basic level, Simply Advanced™ apps are native apps for each platform that feels like they belong. These apps always use the latest standards and best practices.

Whenever you use a Simply Advanced™ app, you will just feel great. Everything it where is feels like it belongs. It is easy to do any task. There is a great design and no clutter. A lot of thought has gone into every aspect of the app.

Each app that we make offers an efficient layout so that you quickly get what you want out of the app. We'll boast all day and night about our great users' experience and we'll stand by our app 100% of the way. Get to know us early because we still respond to all of our users' and potential users' feedback.

When you look through the reviews for a Simply Advanced™ app, you'll see many testimonials such as "Exactly what I needed. Highly Recommended!" and "Awesome developer feedback! Very quick to respond and make changes!". If you have a free minute, feel free to check out one of our most popular app's reviews.

When Simply Advanced LLC designs a new app, the first thing done is background research into the current market of the app category, i.e., what is the current competition like. There may be zero competitors, a few competitors, or even 100+ competitors. Either way, we will still look at just about every one of them and make a list of all the good aspects and bad aspects about each of the other apps. Also, in stage one of the development process for creating a new app, we will read much of the testimonials from the users of those apps. A lot of times we see that the other developers have not paid any attention to those users, maybe because they were rated just one star. But, we don't care what the rating is, we listen to as many users as possible because it is hard to find lots of great feedback. The more feedback we get the better the app will be.

That was stage one of the development cycle: Background research into other apps, if any, and getting feedback from users about the type of app we are going to be making.

Stage two involves drawing a lot of different mock-ups and comparing all the pros and cons on each of them. Many things will be added, removed, merged, and hidden. We love to think outside the box and come up with designs that have not been thought of before.

You know that saying, "There's always a better way." Well, we are that 'better way' with better designs and better thought out apps. Here are just some of the design principles that we like to follow. Thanks to Google, we don't need to write another blog post about it, since it has already been done well.

And, that goes same with our apps also. If there is a market that we don't want to get into, then we won't go there. If a market already has the best designed app, and we could only make it just a tiny bit better, then it probably isn't worth our time to develop it when there are sooo many larger opportunities out there.

Simply Advanced LLC gets approached by many people to develop mobile apps and web apps, and to come up with redesigns for their current apps. The problem is that we also have a lot of ideas. But, that won't stop us from helping you out when you have a great idea. The trick is, when you propose your idea to us, is to do a little background research first, then present the idea.

I definitely had on a few tangents in this post. The bottom line is that there is a lot that goes behind the scenes at Simply Advanced LLC. And, the same thing goes with Simply Advanced™ apps. The app may appear to be simple at first glance, but there are always more advanced functionalities that pro users like and crave for.

Now, to end on another great quote we like. We call it the Simply Advanced™ quote:

"The function of good software is to make the complex appear to be simple." - Grady Booch

You will find this quote in huge letters on our home page, check us out: Simply Advanced