New static blog site


Today, I feel really good on what I have accomplished.

After hearing about Svelte last week and reading more about it, I really like it's direction and UX. And, today I implemented my newest blog tech stack, which includes:

  • Svelte
  • Sapper: App framework, router, static (or dynamic) site, pre-fetching
  • Markdown: Text-based content
  • Rollup: Code-splitting, dynamic imports
  • GitHub Pages: Hosting

I would describe Svelte as the next generation of Vue. They have similar styles in that components are all-inclusive: HTML, JavaScript, and CSS in one file for each component.

Here's a great overview of Svelte, including pros and cons:

This is probably my 5th ish complete overhaul of my blog and wiki website. Over the years, I have slowly been getting more control of the site, and understanding more of the code that generates the site. So, no more 'magic' now.

Also, just to make sure I didn't want to do it all from scratch, I made a quick minimal static blog generator in Python. Just provide posts in markdown, and the script provides a nice static blog:

<How to get started with Svelte and Parcel